Module guih.manipulators

Manipulators used for copying cutting and pasting objects


object.kill () compleatly kills/removes an object
object.get_position () returns the positioning data of an object if it has any
object.replicate (new_name) makes a copy of the object with a new name
object.isolate () makes an isolated copy object wihnout adding it to the gui
object.cut () removes the object from the gui and gives you a handle to manipulate it
put_in_handle.parse ([name]) puts the object into the gui under the same or a new name
put_in_handle.get () returns a reference to the object in memory so you can modify it wihnout inserting it into the gui
put_in_handle.clear () compleatly destroys the saved object


object.kill ()
compleatly kills/removes an object


    boolean whether was this operation successful or not
object.get_position ()
returns the positioning data of an object if it has any


    table positioning data of the object
object.replicate (new_name)
makes a copy of the object with a new name


  • new_name string new name for the duplicate object


    guih.object returns the duplicate object
object.isolate ()
makes an isolated copy object wihnout adding it to the gui


    put_in_handle a handle used to work with the isolated object
object.cut ()
removes the object from the gui and gives you a handle to manipulate it


    put_in_handle a handle used to work with the isolated object
put_in_handle.parse ([name])
puts the object into the gui under the same or a new name


  • name string optional new name for the object (optional)


    refference to the object in the gui or false
put_in_handle.get ()
returns a reference to the object in memory so you can modify it wihnout inserting it into the gui


    object_reference the reference to the object upvalue
put_in_handle.clear ()
compleatly destroys the saved object
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2022-06-23 16:51:50